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The Best Laid Plans....

I have been living a plant based vegan lifestyle since July of 2015. I started because my adrenals and hormones were off. My doctor told me to eat more fat and protein but the more I did that, the worse I felt. I went on a 3 day juice cleanse, because of some stomach issues I was having, and it made me feel better. I decided right there that I would give this plant based thing a try. It began as a journey of health and transformed itself into something I never tthought it would. I became passionate about the way that animal agriculture was ruining our environment and animal rights in general. I am a number 1 enneagram, so once I put my mind to something I will do it and do it flawlessly (or so I think). The only time in the last almost 7 years that I've had animal protein was holidays or special occasions. It was only benefiting my health and the planet, and in my eyes I was saving the animals. My adrenals and hormones were balancing out and my cholesterol was in the normal range. I was never great at eating the perfect protein meal. I didn't make sure to have beans or greens at every meal but I still ate healthy. I got my blood checked every year and my numbers were always good. It became part of who I was. The problem is that when you let something dictate your persona, it's hard to imagine not being that person. I felt that anytime I ate animal protein that I was not only letting myself down but I was also a fraud to those I taught. Fast forward to 2021....

Last July I got my basic bloodwork taken and it showed that my ferritin levels were low. Ferritin levels indicate the amount of stored iron in your body. Women tend to have lower levels because of monthly menstruation but I knew that my plant based lifestyle was the culprit here. So, I figured I would become a pescatarian and add fish to my food repertoire. However, I really wasn't great at consistency and I'm not a huge fish fan. My doctor gave me an iron supplement. I'm sure any woman who's gone through pregnancy remembers those little red iron pills that gave you constipation for days! This supplement was different and not supposed to pose the same issue. I was already having stomach issues, though, and I didn't want to make the problem worse. The stress from the last few years of covid did a number on my stomach. My main anxiety, physical symptom, is a stomach problem and I was feeling it. So, I decided to make a concerted effort to eat fish. I really enjoyed indulging in tuna fish, crab, shrimp, and salmon again but never on an everyday basis. I did think that it was helping. Fast forward to March 2022....

Just got my bloodwork back and the ferritin is 3 points lower than last time. I have an appointment with my doctor this coming week. I started taking the iron supplements a few days ago. I am going to HAVE to eat animal protein. Some of the symptoms I have been dealing with in the last year are related to low ferritin and I had no idea. Dry eyes, anxiety, sore muscles, dizziness, heart palpitations, and headaches. So, I am happy to have some answers. This seems like an easy fix. Not sure what the doc will say but I'm guessing more animal protein and iron supplementation is the answer. In advance though, I don't need to hear any "I told you so." I still believe, done correctly, the plant based lifestyle is amazing and one of the best tools in getting your health on track. Especially if you have heart disease or issues of the like that run in your family. Animal protein is still highly inflammatory and not great for your body. I am going to have to research the best way to do this and its not just indulging in any old hamburger.

On an emotional level though, it's hard. This has become part of my identity. Just when you think you have things figured out, sometimes life throws a wrench in your plans. I know it's just another leg in the journey though. Something new to figure out. It's simply what I have to do, right now, for my health and I am ok with that. After I get my numbers in check I plan on adapting the Mediterranean diet/lifestyle. It seems to be a more balanced way of living. I try not to look at these situations as mistakes. Rather, that I've learned more and now I can do better.

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